lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

Rebanacabezas /heads collector

Para terminar de poner un poco al día el blog, una miniatura ambientada en una época post-apocalipsis. 34mm , hecha en sculpey firm.

To finish this update of the blog , which I had had a bit abandoned for a time, a miniature based on a post-apocaliptic age, a heads collector. Made os Scilpey Firm in 34mm.

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Espero que os hayan gustado / I hoped you had enjoyed them

monstruito / little monster

Después de la miniatura de historico ahi teneis un monstruito feo feo hjeje. Hecho en super sculpey 100mm
After the hictoric miniature, here You have an ugly little monster. Made of super Sculpey in 100mm

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Highlander 1600

Aqui traigo una nueva miniatura, se trata de un escocés de las Tierras Altas armado con una claymore, vistiendo a la manera del sigo XV. Hecha con Magic Sculpt y procreate en 60mm
Here I brought a new miniature, This is a Highlander armed with a Claymore a dress in a Great Kilt as they would dress in 1600. Made of Magic Sculpt and Procreate in 60mm

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